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I first heard about mystery shopping years ago and frankly, I thought it was a scam. It sounds too good to be true, right? Well, over the years I kept hearing more about it and decided to investigate. To my surprise it turned out to be the opportunity I was looking for and I've been a secret shopper ever since.


What kind of places are looking for mystery shoppers? Starbucks, Aeropostle, Best Buy, Lifetime Fitness, Target, BP gas stations, Bed, Bath & Beyond, the Post Office, Lexus dealerships, pharmacies, casinos and restaraunts just to name a few.


​This site will guide you on how to get started making money doing something you already do anyway... eating out, watching movies and my favorite... shopping! I am going to show you how at NO CHARGE because many of us need all the help we can get in this economy. What could you do with an extra $500 next month? I've personally made over $200 just in one day! I've also just added two alternative ways to make money with merchandising and demonstrating so check out those pages too!

If you'd like more information I teach classes through Community Education in the Twin Cities, Minnesota area from time to time. I do not have anything scheduled at this time; please check back soon.


Good luck and have fun.

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