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Tips for Success

1. Don't sign up for a shop unless you are absolutely certain you can complete it at the assigned day and time. Nothing will get you fired faster than forgetting a shop or cancelling at the last minute. Trust me, they will not be calling you again.

2. Never reveal the fact that you are a mystery shopper. Ever. You must always be discreet.

3. Read through your entire breifing BEFORE you go to do your shop. There may be specific questions they want you to ask or certain products you may need to inquire about. If you read the questions you'll have to fill out afterwards you'll know what details to pay attention to.

4. Be consistant and pay attention to the details. If the restroom is dirty don't just say 'the restroom needed attention'. Spell it out for them so they have a clear picture of what was wrong. Say 'the floor was covered in dirty paper towels and the sink was stained' or whatever the case may be.

5. Expand your vocabulary. Instead of 'clean' use orderly, tidy or well kept. There are free dictionary and thesaurus sites on the web. Make use of them.

6. Remain unbiased. It is important to just give the facts. Don't compare your visit to a previous visit. If you don't like the waiter's haircut don't comment on that. You are there to observe the service you recieve and help them to improve if at all possible.

7. I would suggest setting up a separate email account just for your shopping jobs. You can get a free account from Hotmail, Yahoo! or Gmail.


8. I would also suggest keeping a list of all the companies that you signed up with and write down your ID and password that you'll need to login to their site with. You'll also want the name, email and phone number of your contact person there. A simple Word document or spreadsheet can help you keep organized.

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